The Light Breaks Through - Chanukah 5785
There is something strange about Chanukah. We start the first night of candle lighting with one light (not including the Shamash), then light two on the second night, until on the eighth we light eight lights. Now what’s strange about that, you might ask, that’s the way it’s done. Well, do we do that with any other Mitzvot? Imagine someone coming to the synagogue on the first day of Sukkot with a lulav, then on day two with a lulav and etrog, then on day three he adds willows, ten on day four the myrtles. Or perhaps on Shabbat - one week we call one person to the Torah, then two the next week, then three, etc. It doesn’t work that way. We are consistent with these observances. Four species every day of Sukkot, seven aliyot plus maftir every Shabbat, and so it is for all the Mitzvot. Only on Chanukah do we increase the number of lights every day. There is another aspect of the change in the number of lights. (I say ...