Abolish the Police - Shoftim 5784

“Set up for yourselves judges and police officers, in all your ‘gates’,”  opens this week’s Parsha, stressing the need for law enforcement, courts and judges, in all cities in Israel.  The judges were the ones who determined the law, according to Torah, and officers ensured that the law was carried out.

In one of Isaiah’s prophecies about the end of exile and the final redemption of the Jewish people, he says: “I will return your judges as at first and your advisors as in the beginning.”  It is interesting that he does not mention law enforcers, and instead he says “advisors.”

The distinction is interesting.  Whereas in the past they enforced the law, in the future they will advise.  This fits well with the vision of what the future redemption will bring.  As Rambam says, there will not be any war or jealousy, and everyone will spend their time pursuing knowledge of Hashem.  There is no need for enforcement of law and order in that type of society.  We will still need judges to determine the law, but we will accept it and observe it, wholeheartedly, with the aid of advisors who will show us how to properly follow the law and understand Hashem’s will.

There is also a mystical explanation of the setting up judges and officers in our gates.  Every person has “gates” to the outside world.  These are our eyes, ears, nose and mouth.  We are constantly interacting with outside influences, from the things we see, hear, and smell, to  the things we say to others.  The Torah is instructing us to judge carefully what we look at and listen to, the type of environment we choose to be in, and what we say.

As we approach the time of redemption, it is fitting for us to each seek “advisors” to navigate our seemingly confusing society. In order to help us do this, the Torah tells us to look to our “judges” - Torah teachers and leaders – who guide us on the path to goodness, and to choose an advisor, a spiritual guide who loves us, cares about us and can objectively advise us. 

In the maelstrom of social media, TV news and anti-israel protests, a spiritual advisor can help us focus on what’s really important in life, help tune out the negativity, and guide us toward a more tranquil and positive life.

I wish you a sweet new year, and great success in your spiritual preparations for the upcoming High Holidays.


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