One Push-up for Teshuva - Nitzavim Veyelech 5784
Someone asked me yesterday: “How do I prepare practically for the New Year? I always make all kinds of resolutions, and just like my January 1 resolutions, they don’t last more than a few days.” I told him the allegory that the Ba’al Shemtov (founder of Chassidism) told relating to the sound of the Shofar. In short, a king had an only son who was raised in the sheltered lifestyle of the palace and he wanted to expose him to the real world. He sent him off to travel with some servants and lots of money, but the prince squandered the money and dismissed the servants, and descended into a life of depravity. His royal clothes ripped and he started eating bad food, forgetting all the manners he learned in the palace. One day the prince realized how far he had strayed from the royal life that was his heritage, and decided to return to the palace. But at the palace nobody recognized him and they wouldn't let him in. He had even forgotten h...