Look, Don't Scheme - Shelach 5784
We read an intriguing story this week. The Jews are ready to enter the land of Israel, and, based on a request by the people, Moshe sends spies to “tour the land.” They return with very disturbing reports. Ten of them insisted that the nation would not be able to capture the land, and the two who disagreed were not allowed to speak up. There is a seeming contradiction at the very beginning of the story. Moshe handpicked the 12 “anashim” - men. Rashi points out that the word anashim is a statement of importance. “At that time they were “kesherim” - kosher, meaning righteous people, not malicious sinners as they turned out later. Nevertheless, we see that Moshe must have had some concerns. He changed the name of the leader of the tribe of Efraim, who would become Moshe’s successor, from Hoshea to Yehoshua (Bamidbar 13:16). Rashi tells us the name Yehoshua represents two words of prayer: Kah Yoshiacha - may Hashem save you from the scheme of the spies. (The word “scheme” ...