Happy Pesach, Hashem is with us. 5784

 One of the remarkable things about Pesach is that Jews have observed it continuously through the ages. In happy times and in frightening times, in wealth and in poverty, and even in the Gulags and concentration camps, Jews always held a Seder in one way or another and managed to observe Pesach to the best of their ability. 

The story of the slavery in Egypt and our miraculous Exodus endures today as a story of freedom. Freedom from slavery and oppression, freedom from restrictions that hold us back from fulfilling our full potential as children of G-d. Even in the harshest times,  we found comfort in the knowledge that exile must come to an end and Hashem is always with us. As we say in the Vehi She’amda song, in every generation they stand against us to destroy us, but Hashem saved us from their hands. 

It is admittedly hard sometimes to realize that Hashem really is here with us. And we have all kinds of questions:  Why? How could this happen?  What will happen tomorrow?  Is Hashem even really with us?  If redemption is near, why does it seem to be getting worse?

Let’s look at the Exodus story. The Jews had been in Egypt for over 200 years. About 80 years before the Exodus the evil Pharaoh decided to make life hard for the Jews. He killed their babies in the Nile. He crushed babies literally between the stones of buildings. He bathed in the blood of Jewish babies. He forced the Jews to perform back-breaking work while being beaten and treated horribly in every way. 

Great leaders came along and said the time of redemption had arrived. Moshe told Aaron, they both told the Elders, and the people believed. But the exile got worse. I’m not giving you straw for bricks, Pharaoh said. Get your own straw and make the same amount of bricks. It was impossible. The Jews were beaten and tortured. Moshe himself questioned G-d. Why? How can this be?  Hashem’s response was: now you’ll seeĆ¢€¦ the miracles will start. I will show the world that I am in control and I will break the exile. I will reveal myself with great miracles and bring the Jewish people to Sinai. 

When modern day tragedy strikes, people ask: how could Hashem allow this?  Why did it happen?  And then the world joins the oppression, and the exile seems only deeper. Our sages and leaders have told us that the time of redemption has arrived, but it seems like every day there’s another frightening news report! What’s next?  Where is the redemption? 

You don’t need to be a prophet to see that Hashem reminded us this week that He is with us. Hashem is telling us once again: yes the exile is tough but I have not forsaken you. I believe that we just witnessed, with our physical eyes in real time, one of the greatest miracles in our history. People have called the attempted missile strike by Iran unprecedented. Well I think the miracle of all those missiles getting shot out of the sky is unprecedented too. 

There are those who point to all kinds of explanations. There was advance warning. Other nations got involved. Etc. Well to me that is all part of the miracle. If you read the reports of the attack, like the strength and weight of the missiles, three different types flying at three different speeds, and more, and contemplate the incredible outcome, could it be anything other than the hand of Hashem?

The Talmud says that we were redeemed from Egypt in the month of Nissan and that Moshiach will arrive in Nissan. This Pesach as we say the Hallel thanksgiving prayers, it behooves us to thank Hashem for this latest miracle. And in gratitude, to offer Him our love and our service. 

Perhaps this Pesach we can go a step further in our observance. Make sure to sell your chametz. Eat real handbaked Shmurah Matzah at the Seder, and share some with friends and family. Light the Holiday candles. Make extra effort to have kosher for Pesach food throughout the holiday. Give assistance with purchasing holiday needs to those in need, here and in Israel. And have faith that as Hashrm has shown us this miracle, so He will show many more. 

As the Prophet states regarding the time of the redemption by Moshiach (Micha 7:15):  “As in the days of your exodus from the land of Egypt, I will show him wonders.”

Happy Pesach. Please visit our website chabadpaloalto.com to sell your chametz, get shmurah matzah, sign up for a Seder or join a service, and more. 


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