How do you Spin a Goat? Vayakhel 5784

 The portable Sanctuary that the Jewish people built in the desert had many parts made of all sorts of materials.  The roof, for example, was a multi-layered masterwork.  There  was a beautiful, multicolored tapestry woven with linen and three colors of wool, blue, red and purple.  On top of that were two types of animal skins, and between the skins there was cloth of spun goat’s hair.  The goat’s hair cloth was woven, as the Torah says, by wise women.  “And all the women whose hearts uplifted them with wisdom, spun the goat hair.” (Shemot 25:36.)  Not just wise, but “whose hearts lifted them up with wisdom.”  Sounds like more than just wisdom.

This verse contains another interesting term.  In the Hebrew, it does not say that they spun the goat hair.  It says that they spun the goats.  How do you spin a goat?  Rashi explains that this was actually an exceptional skill.  The women spun the hair while it was still growing on the goat and cut it later!  You wonder why they would do that?  It seems to be so much harder than using hair that has already been cut!

There is an explanation given by the Rebbe that teaches us a profound lesson.  The women who spun the goat’s hair considered what they were doing much more than a job or a work of art. There were various offerings offered in the Temple, animals, birds and flour, along with oil, incense, wine and even water once a year.  These artisans considered their work a sacrifice to Hashem as well.  

These women possessed a rare skill of spinning the hair while it was still on the goat, still part of the animal.  Once the hair is removed, it becomes an inanimate object.  Their “hearts lifted them up with wisdom” and they wanted to create the highest level of offering possible, so they spun the hair while still alive.  This way, they were giving something living, a part of the animal itself.

Each of us has unique strengths and talents.  These great, wise women teach us that we can, and therefore should, find ways to use those abilities in service to Hashem.  We each have a mission on earth for which Hashem created us and He gave us the tools to fulfill it as well.  If you have a special ability, don’t hesitate to express it and use it to better the world.  Not only should we work to improve the world in general, but we should use each of our G-d given abilities for that purpose. You can shine in your own way.  Do it to the best of your ability on the highest possible level.


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