Burn the Cow. Soak the Ashes. Tzav, Parah 5784
This week we learn the laws of the Red Heifer when we read “Parshat Parah,” the third of the four special Torah portions that we read related to Purim and Pesach. The connection between this week’s extra reading and Pesach is as follows: Next Shabbat, before the month of Nissan begins, we will read about the Mitzvah of establishing the Jewish months by the renewal of the moon, and that Nissan is considered the first month. That Parsha continues with the laws of the Paschal lamb sacrifice that was offered on the day before Pesach and eaten at the Seder. In order to be able to eat the meat of the Pesach offering, a person had to be in a state of ritual purity. This meant that if a person had become ritually impure, they had to purify themselves before Pesach. This is also related to this week’s regular Parsha reading, Tzav, which deals with the process of offering sacrifices, which all requires “Tahara” – everyone involved must be in a state of ritual ...