A short message - Happy Sukkot

 Chag Sameach and happy Chol Hamoed.  

A holiday with so many themes!  Sukkot is a time of joy, a time of unity, a time of gathering, a time of spiritual growth, a time to celebrate our precious heritage – the Torah.  Special Mitzvot for this holiday include the Sukkah, the Four Species, celebrating and dancing throughout the holiday, dancing with the Torah, special prayers, special meals and more.

This is a holiday of sharing.  It is customary to invite people to join us in the Sukkah, to share the Mitzvah of the Four Species with those who don’t have, to share meals and celebrations and events in the Synagogue, and in general people try to spend time together with family and friends.  And of course Simchat Torah is a great day of gathering, dancing and celebrating with the Torah.

Gathering is especially important this year, a year of Hakhel.  It is a time for men, women and children, even very young children, to get together to strengthen our connection to Hashem and our heritage.  At this time in history this seems to take on even more relevance, as we are coming out of a period of isolation, when the concept of community and gathering has been sorely lacking.

So let’s celebrate the last days of this great holiday together!  If you are in the neighborhood, please come by for Simchat Torah or any other of our many holiday gatherings.  May we very soon celebrate the ultimate Hakhel, the in-gathering of all our people to our land and our Temple, with the coming of Mashiach.


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