It's a Party!
Throughout the month of Elul we heard the shofar every day, increased our prayer, study and Mitzvot, especially tzedakah. We observed the holy days of Rosh Hashanah, when we recommitted to Hashem as our King. Then we had seven days of teshuva, and then the day of Yom Kippur, fasting and praying and achieving atonement. Now what? Now we celebrate. There is no question that our efforts produced great spiritual results. The holiness of the days themselves brought new Divine energy to the world. We are all on a higher plane, whether we feel it or not. So now comes the beautiful holiday of Sukkot when it all comes together in a joyous festival. The Sukkah represents a “hug” for each of us from Hashem. Chassidus teaches that the covering of the Sukkah represents the cloud that was created by the High Priest burning incense in the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur. The Torah tells us that the Sukkah is to remind us of the temporary...