Our Books. Our Heritage.
Some thoughts on the holiday of “Hei Teves,” the fifth day of the month of Tevet. For context, please see here . How valuable is a book? Well, wouldn’t that depend on what kind of book? Hardcover, softcover, new book, old book, classic book, antique book and so many other variables. Some books sell for a nominal amount and some are much more expensive. Some also have historical significance and will be more valuable. A rare manuscript with great historical value would probably be sold at a high price at a professional auction. All of the above is how a book dealer or collector would appraise a book, and every book has a market value. Then there are holy books. Yes, Torah books have financial value, but there is something much deeper about holy books that cannot be quantified in financial terms. The first word of the Ten Commandments is “Anochi,” spelled with four Hebrew letters Alef, Nun, Chaf and Yud. Our sages t...