Mergers and Acquisitions
How do you make something your own? We know how to acquire things, but what about knowledge? How do we take something written by someone else and really make it part of our lives? People spend a lot of time studying: in school, in college or Yeshiva, and all throughout life. How much of what we study affects us deeply? A well-rounded education is considered important for success, but, once we graduate, most of what we learn is behind us. Torah is different. It is interesting to note the value that we place on Torah learning, way beyond any “utility” we get from it. Law schools are full of law students who plan to use the law for their careers. The same with medical school, engineering school, etc. But yeshivot are not full of rabbis. While many yeshiva students become rabbis, and you do need a solid Torah education to become a rabbi, most yeshiva students are learning Torah for the sake of learning T...