Lively Repentance
Chai – a Hebrew word that most people easily identify with life. People like to wear Chai necklaces, and many give Tzedakah in multiples of 18, because the numerical value of the two Hebrew letters that spell Chai, chet and yud, have the numerical value of 18. There are Chai Centers and Chai Clubs, and the word and what it represents are ubiquitous in Jewish culture. This is also true on our calendar. The 18 th day of a month connotes a special kind of life on that day. Today is the 18 th day of the Jewish month of Elul. Therefore this is a day of special life in the month, and in the work of Elul. Elul, the last month of the year, is a time for introspection and teshuvah. Just as every business must from time to time, usually at the end of a fiscal year, make a full accounting of how the business is performing, so too each individual needs to stop and take some time to consider where we are in life. The business pers...